Vision & Mission


Our vision is a world in which all girls and women can lead equal and self-determined lives and have the skills necessary to drive change and have a positive impact on their communities.


Our mission is to support girls and women to access educational foundation and to enable them to unlock their full potential. We want to encourage them to become self-determined young women who shape their own future and the one of their communities.

We want to remove existing barriers to girls' access to education by funding scholarships to help them attend and complete school

Our goal is also to combat other difficulties that many African students face on a daily basis (such as menstrual hygiene in schools, poor infrastructure and unsafe learning/living environments) through dedicated campaigns and fundraising efforts

Why is it important to
invest in girls' education?

For girls, education is not just the foundation for their future success,
but also improves the future of their families, their communities, and the nations where they live.

World Bank, 2021

Countless reports from organizations agree that girls' education has a significant impact on the development of communities and entire regions and helps reduce poverty in the world. Young women with good education are more able to participate in the formal labor market, earn higher incomes and, above all, make informed decisions about their health and their personal and professional development.

The influence of girls who have completed school extends to their families and their surroundings. Yet today, an estimated 132 million girls around the world are out of school.

There are various hurdles that hinder girls' access to education. A lack of financial resources is the biggest hurdle. For this reason, students need financial support that gives them access to education to promote their talents and develop their abilities.

Unlock girls' full potential

Early access to education and information helps girls and young women to promote their own talents and develop their abilities.

This allows them to build better life prospects, which would be denied to them without access to education. Support in schools enables students to pursue their own dreams and set goals.

Promote self-determined young women

Giving young women the freedom to make decisions about their personal and professional development opens up a new world of possibilities!

Taking your life into your own hands and making your own decisions from an early age is a great start to leading an independent life and working decisively towards life goals despite all adversities.

Strengthening the influence of women in local communities

Access to education and the certainty of being able to shape life independently has a positive effect on young women's self-image and strengthens their confidence in their own abilities.

In this way, the young women become role models who can inspire students in the communities. In this way, gender roles can be redefined, which paves the way for equal opportunities.